How To Create A Responsive Bootstrap 4 Blogger Template

How To Create A Responsive Bootstrap 4 Blogger Template

How To Create A Responsive Bootstrap 4 Blogger Template
Free Blogger Tutorial

How To Create Bootstrap 4 Blog Template


How To Create A Responsive Bootstrap 4 Blogger Template

A basic guideline to create Bootstrap 4 templates for blogger platform.

There are 3 main steps to create a complete Bootstrap template for your blog that works correctly for the homepage, page and post. The main steps which you need to focus are the Bootstrap CSS framework installation and the required change in the <b:section> of the <b:includable id='post' var='post'>

Install Bootstrap
Step 2
<head> Section

A process to manage the pre-built components in the <head> Section.

  • <b:skin> tag
  • <b:template-skin> tag
  • Additional external CSS
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Install Bootstrap
Step 3
<body> Section

A process to manage pre-built components in the <body> section.

  • Pre-built margin setting
  • <b:includable id='post' var='post'>
  • Add Navbar, Header and Footer
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These method and tip to create a Bootstrap 4 Template for Blogger are based on our findings from our works. We elaborate in a step-by-step process to install Bootstrap 4 CSS and to integrate Bootstrap 4 CSS and Javascript files onto the <head> Section of the template. This guideline also shows how to create sidebar and post snippet and to handle display issues on blogger page types (homepage, post, page and search result page) and on view breakpoints such as extra small (XS), small (SM), medium (MD), large (LG) and extra large (XL) screens.

Other common blogger issues related to the process are thumbnails, images and layout margin issues . You will realize about these issues during the process. We will share the method to solve the issues as it is important to make your template is completely functioning.

Bootstrap 4 Material References

Getbootstrap · The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS library in the world

Quickly design and customize responsive mobile-first sites with Bootstrap

Reference Pages

MDBootstrap Comprehensive Bootstrap 4 Tutorials

MDBoostrap has comprehensive tutorials for Bootstrap 4 which are FREE to use and easy to understand.

Reference Pages

We hope that this guideline will give you a basic idea to use Bootstrap 4 on your blog. Your web design creativity is unlimited as Bootstrap 4 has an endless combination of styles to choose from.

As this is our learning process too, we believe that there is a room for an improvement in our guideline. We welcome others to give their comments on this topic, or perhaps to correct any mistakes which we may overlook. Thank You.

More bootstrapping for your blog

Bootstrap CSS Framework has a lot more to offer. Endless design combination you can create with a simple knowledge on how to use Bootstrap.

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